Barometer of religiosity and diversity management

During 2014, Opinometre Institute has conducted the first barometer of religiosity and diversity management, commissioned the Centre d’Estudis d’Opinió by the Departament de Governació i Relacions Institucionals, formalized agreement by June 12, 2014 .

This fieldwork, an initiative of the Direcció General d’Afers Religiosos (DGAR), had as main objective to obtain for the first time in Catalonia, official information on perceptions and opinions of citizens regarding religious diversity and its management. This work also wanted to have information on the implementation of the different religious confessions in Catalonia; the perception of the population on religious diversity; the opinion of the population about the challenges of religious diversity on social organization, and the opinion of citizens about possible government initiatives in relation to the management of religious diversity.

Fieldwork was conducted from November 11 to December 8, 2014, with a representative sample of 1,600 completed interviews divided by province and size of municipality. The sample was also stratified within each province at odds of sex, age and origin of the interviewee.

Interviews were conducted with methodology CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) system through home interviews.